Mar 14, 2009


Four was the number of leaves on a little plum or greengage seedling, that has magically appeared in one of my flower pots. Well, maybe two and two, if you're pernickety and you think cotyledons should not be thrown together with other leaves. However, that was yesterday morning. When I came home after work in the evening, I could already see the next two.
It's amazing how things can grow when they're young.
I'm going on holiday soon, so I fret that it might not survive - I hope it will, and that it will produce lots and lots of greengages when it has grown up.

Go to TNchick's Photohunt 153 to see what other people make of 'four'.


Hootin Anni said...

What a fabulous photo!!! Is this done with the macro setting on your camera?

Mine is posted. Four of nature's candelabras....come on over to view!
Happy weekend wishes to you and yours.

The Queen Bee said...

Beautiful shot. Mine's up at

Sandy said...

Great closeup....luv it
Mine's up, too

Anonymous said...

Dicots soon equal Four.

Our 5HP contended with all weathers, gales included, and never let us down when it mattered.

Rebecca Mecomber said...

*breathes in*

Lovely! I am looking foward to seeing these again, soon.

I moved my Photo Hunters to my new photo blog. Please visit if you can!

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Lovely! Thanks for coming. Have a great week ahead!

SnoopyTheGoon said...

Beautiful shot, looks so alive! Thanks for stopping by and have a great week!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic DOF! Simply wonderful...

Anonymous said...

I have to say nice close up shot!