Aug 8, 2009

portrait from a low angle

I liked this little yellow chap rather a lot, so rolling around on the wet grass to get it from a low angle was a matter of course. I don't think the frog appreciated having its portrait taken -

For all things low go visit this Saturday's , hosted by TNchick.


YTSL said...

Great shot. Can't imagine that the frog would tarry long -- so good on you for seizing your chance to take a photo of it. :)

Vita Stunder said...

Gotta love this shot!
Beautiful composed and perfect for this theme.

Have a nice weekend!

Heidi said...

I can't believe how great your shot was! Not only is it a great use of this weeks theme, but I love how you told about getting "low" on the ground to complete the theme! Nice! Thanks for stopping by my blog today!

MaR said...

What a fantastic shot for the theme!!!
Happy PH!

Dimple said...

Very good portrait of the little guy.

jams o donnell said...

That is a superb photo. I love the composition

Claudia said...

Excellent shot perfect for the theme.
Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

That is a sweet shot....I've got to remember to go low when I'm out and about.

Carver said...

That's a fabulous shot of the frog. Such a great idea for the theme. Happy weekend.

Joanna said...

Nice photo. I do so admire photos that capture wildlife. I have a hard time doing that. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

3c said...

That's a bit special!

kayerj said...

defintely worth getting down on the ground for. thanks for stopping by.

EG CameraGirl said...

LOVE your take on the theme! The toad does too because now he's famous. ;-)

gorgeous nelly said...

Great shot! you captured it so well.

My low tide is posted too. Hope you could visit.

happy weekend.

Liz Hinds said...

What a brilliant photo! How did you persuade him to stay still for you?!