Apr 25, 2009


I saw that on a walk some days ago. I wasn't aware that squirrels can read - but seeing that there are no squirrels anywhere near their nuts, squirrels probably can.

Protection is the theme of this Saturday's . Enjoy.


Aileni said...

It might read differently here - addressed to cats and 'keep off our birds!'

betty-NZ said...

I didn't know you had such smart squirrels there!

Mariposa said...

Hahaha, maybe they can now!

SnoopyTheGoon said...

He he. That's a cool one for protection.

Have a great weekend!

Hootin Anni said...

rofl.....cute, cute, cute!!!!!!

Here's MINE Happy Saturday to you.

Anonymous said...

My cats think squirrels are too smart for their own good!

Kim said...

LOL! I don't know, I think our squirrels could manage to get up there.

Anonymous said...

That is funny...our birds are worried by our neighbor's cat Timmy... a sweet little furball that I love, but my husband doesn't care for very much.

He'd rather have the birds that are afraid to come around when Timmy comes calling.

Rinkly Rimes said...

I didn't know squirrels were so sensitive about swear words!

Skebba said...

Hehe!!! Classic! Funniest photohunt for this week!

incoherent said...

LOL. Hilarious.

Daisy said...

If I was a squirrel, I would stay away! You could also see that the cover over the birdfeed is "protection" from the bird doo-doos!

Tara R. said...

That is hilarious. I need that sign, I have way too many squirrels. Fun take on this week's theme.

healingmagichands said...

Maybe I should try posting signs at my bird feeder. It sure looks like it might be working.


Irene said...

LOL... That's what I was thinking also, how can the squirrels understand the sign ;p

Liz Hinds said...

Right, I'm off to put up a sign!


:)) I have to send the squirrels to England, so they can learn to read! You see, they visit my balcony on the 12. floor.....scaring the shit (pardon my french) of my dog! Maybe a sign like that will do the trick! Hilarious!