Not only do I have to work non-stop, I can't even steal 5 minutes for some good skywatching - the Oxfordshire skies have either been grey and rainy or like the one below:

More skies at
Skywatch Friday!
If you're wondering why I haven't visited any of your blogs - I think I won't manage until next week :(
No need to visit when you leave an image like this, which is definitely not boring. Excellent perspective.
Nice shot, not boring.
this looks like a perfect day to me.:P
Gorgeous shot Bim!
And I disagree.. Not at all that boring :P
Take care pal!
I love this shot! Beautiful perspective and a lovely summer sky!
I'll swap you the huge gray rain clouds that keep swooping down low over Co. Down if you want :)
I don't think this is boring at all.
Quite lovely skies over the wheat field with great DOF!
Carletta’s Captures.
All work and no play is NOT good for you. ;-) But this sky really is quite pretty!
The sky is not boring nor are you. You are just being tired working non stop. Now stretch those arms sideways over your head and swing to the left, and swing to the right, bend it downward to your feet left and right and slowly up again; boy, don't you feel better? Look up and smile and look down and smile again. Imagine you are skywatching downward here down under and see the map of Australia. Wouldn't that be wonderful? :)
Oh I guess am in the mood of picking at you. haha
Just teasing you Bim... so you leave in Oxfordshire? I have a very long time friend there a very loyal English lady by the name Carol. I used to work for an English boss way back in my home country.
Cheers again!
the photo is beautifully composed :)
A great angle, very lovely day.
I also do not think it's boring. I think it's restful-warm, a little hazy, and just a few small clouds. Perfect for laying on the grass and staring upward!
Lovely capture!
This image is far from boring. Fantastic shot!
sorryyyyyyy... there goes my typo again ...
i mean LIVE not leave goshhhhhh ....
very sorry indeed!
This is a lovely harvest sky. Hope the raun stays away so the reapers can come in.
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